The second newsletter of the Trade Policy Project and other public awareness materials are already available
The newsletter summarising the main activities of the EU-funded “Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities” project was published in July 2022. It is available for download (in English language only) at the following link:
Other public awareness materials developed by the above-mentioned project which are available for consultation and download are as follows:
- Brochure on the differences between the SPS and TBT areas
- Articles entitled on “The Azerbaijani paper/carton and furniture industries – Domestic production, imports and tariff protection” and “Geographical Indications – Foreign and Azerbaijan’s experiences in protecting specific products whose qualities are linked to a production area”
- Research paper entitled “The Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme in Azerbaijan: New opportunities to expand the country’s role in the regional and global trade”
The above-mentioned materials, and others previously developed by the EU-funded project, can be downloaded at the following link: