The roundtable was held within the framefork of the Project

The roundtable was held within the framefork of the Project


During the 5-6 august dates the roundtable about the WTO Fisheries Subsidies and Suggestions on WTO reforms was held within the framework of the EU funded Project of “Support and strengthening capacity of the Trade Policy and WTO department of the Ministry of Economy in the WTO accession negotiations”.


The first day of the roundtable which was arranged in the office of EKVITA company, the main supporter of the project, was devoted to the presentations by Group leader of the Project and advisor of negotiations on fisheries subsidies, Alicia Greenidge about Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, fishing stocks that are in an overfished condition and subsidies to overcapacity and overfishing, then productive discussions were held by participation of representatives of the relevant governmental bodies and the main local producers in the fishing industry.


Within the next day of the roundtable foreign expert, Peter Morrison presented slides about the reforms in WTO and some topics are covered about the expected development directions of WTO, current situation of Azerbaijan within the negotiations of accession to WTO and issues related to the harmonization of local legislation to WTO requirements.