Seven new public awareness publications on trade-related matters and a video are now available
In cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other Government agencies, the EU-funded "Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities" (Trade Policy Project) has supported the drafting of the following trade-related publications:
- Brochure: Rəqəmsal Ticarətə Tətbiq Edilən Qaydalar Haqqında (in Azerbaijani language only)
- Booklet: İstehsalatda Ticarət Siyasəti: Aİ-nin İxracatının Məşğulluğa Təsiri (in Azerbaijani language only)
- Booklet: Avropa İttifaqinin Ticarət Sazişləri: Növləri, Məzmunu və Üstünlükləri (in Azerbaijani language only)
- Leaflet: Rule of Law, WTO Principles, Economic Development and Attraction of Foreign Direct Investment / Qanunun Aliliyi, ÜTT Prinsipləri, İqtisadi inkişaf və Birbaşa Xarici İnvestisiyaların cəlb edilməsi (in English and Azerbaijani languages)
- Leaflet: SPS Məlumat Mərkəzi (in Azerbaijani language only)
- Article “Ticarətin mühafizəsi – Azərbaycan istehsalçılarının mühafizəsi üçün güclü alət” (in Azerbaijani language only)
In addition to the above, a video summarising the First Trade Policy and WTO Summer School, held at the ADA University, has also been finalised.
These and other publications prepared by the EU-funded Trade Policy Project, or by previously implemented EU-funded projects, can be accessed at
The EU-funded Trade Policy Project is supporting the development of additional public awareness materials.