
Legislative procedure 

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the legislative system comprises of the following legal acts:

  1. Constitution
  2. Acts adopted by referendum
  3. Laws
  4. Decrees
  5. Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers
  6. Normative acts of executive authorities.


Application and execution of legal acts are obligatory for all citizens, legislative, executive and judicial powers, legal entities and municipalities. Acts adopted by municipality are binding for citizens and legal entities located within that territory. The acts that improve the legal situation of individuals and legal entities and eliminate or mitigate their liability have retroactive effect. Other acts have no retroactive effect. lf a conflict arises between a provision of Azerbaijani legislation (with the exception of the Constitution and acts adopted by referendum) and interstate treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, international treaties shall prevail and apply.


Procedure for amendment of the Constitution 

Amendments in the text of the Constitution may be only made by referendum. For that purpose, the Constitutional Court is requested in advance to deliver its opinion on amendments to the text of the Constitution proposed by Milli Majlis (Parliament) or the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Amendments to the Constitution are to be proposed by either the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan or at least 63 deputies of Milli Majlis. Additions to the Constitution are adopted in the form of constitutional laws in Milli Majlis by majority of 95 votes. 


Constitutional laws on additions to the Constitution are put to the vote twice in Milli Majlis. The second vote is held 6 months after the first one. Then, these laws are submitted to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for signing following the first and second votes, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Constitution. These constitutional laws enter into force upon signing by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan after the second vote. Constitutional laws are an integral part of the Constitution and must not contradict to it.


Right to legislative initiative

Right to legislative initiative (the right to submit draft laws and other questions for the consideration of Milli Majlis) belongs to deputies of the parliament, the President, the Supreme Court, forty thousand citizens to the right to elections, the Prosecutor’s Office and Milli Majlis of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.


Draft laws or resolutions submitted to Milli Majlis are put to vote within 2 month in the form in which they have been presented. Amendments to such draft laws or resolutions may be made with the consent of the subject exercising the right to legislative initiative. If the adoption of a draft law or resolution is declared a matter of urgency, then the above term shall be 20 days.


The manner in which 40 thousand citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan entitled to the right to elections exercise their right legislative initiative are prescribed by law.


Draft laws and resolutions must be substantiated and the purpose of their adoption must be indicated.


Submission for signature

Draft laws are submitted to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for signature within 14 days from the day of their adoption. If the adoption is declared as a matter of urgency, the draft law is submitted to the President for signature within 24 hours from the moment of its adoption.


Signing of laws 

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan sign laws within 56 days of their presentation. If the President has objections to a law, he may within the said term return it to Milli Majlis without his signature, together with his objections. Constitutional laws shall not enter into force until signed by the President. If Milli Majlis adopts for a second time a law by a majority of 95 votes, which was previously adopted by a majority of 83 votes, and a law by a majority of 83 votes, which was previously adopted by a majority of 63 votes, then the said law shall enter into force after the second vote. 


Entry into force

The law or resolution enters into force on the day of their publication if not otherwise specified in the law or resolution of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Find more information on: www.e-qanun.az/framework/897


Forms of legal acts

Legal acts of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Parliament) are adopted in the form of a law. Legal acts issued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan are adopted in the form of decrees. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopts legal acts in the form of resolutions on the basis and for implementation of the Constitution and decrees of the President. Legal acts of executive authorities are adopted in the form of decisions. 


Revision and adoption of legal acts

The lawmaking authority revises the draft legal act in a manner prescribed by the legislation. After revision of a draft legal act, the lawmaking authority may undertake one of the following:

  • Approve and adopt the draft legal act
  • Reject to approve the draft legal act, stating the reasoning
  • Suspend approval of the draft legal act for a certain period
  • Return the draft for revision, stating the reasoning


International treaties and laws on adoption or rejection of intergovernmental agreements are reviewed in Milli Majlis in one reading, other draft laws - in three readings. The lawmaking authority has a right, if necessary, to call back the submitted draft before its adoption. The subject of legislative initiative right has a right to call back the submitted draft before its revision in the final reading in Milli Majlis. After revision the draft laws are adopted by the lawmaking authority in a manner prescribed by the legislation. The subject of legislative initiative or its authorized representative has a right to participate in the process of discussion in Milli Majlis. 


Signing authority 

The procedure for laws is indicated above. Signing of other legal acts is carried out in the following manner:

  • Decrees – by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers – by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Other legal acts – by the chairperson of the authority adopting the legal act


Find more information on: www.e-qanun.az/framework/21300


Adopted laws

The following trade-related legal acts have been adopted in the recent past in Azerbaijan:



Legislation / Regulation

Date of adoption

Import-Export Regulations

Amendments to Decree of the President No. 609 "On Further Liberalization of Foreign Trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan" of 24 June 1997

14 May 2010

Licensing Systems, including Import Licensing Law "On Licenses and Permits" 15 March 2016
Decree of the President No. 713 "On Certain Measures at the Sphere of Licensing" 21 December 2015
Rules of Origin and GATT customs related provisions Customs Code 24 June 2011
Customs Valuation Law "On Customs Tariff" 13 June 2013
Anti-dumping, Countervailing Duties, Safeguard Regimes Law "On Anti-Dumping, Safeguards and Countervailing Measures"

31 May 2016

Technical Barriers to Trade, Standards and Certification Law "On Accreditation in the sphere of Conformity Assessment" 30 May 2014
Law "On Standardization" 17 May 2019
Law "On Technical Regulation" 30 September 2019
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 323 approved the Rules for the establishment and operation of the Information Center in order to ensure the provision of notifications and information in the field of technical regulation 29 October 2021
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures The National Code Alimentarius Commission has been established within the Food Safety Agency 9 August 2019
Amendments were made to Law No. 371 of 10 November 1992 on Sanitary and Epidemiological Safety 23 February 2018
Law No. 922-IIQ of May 31, 2005 “On Veterinary” was amended 27 June 2019
Free Zones and Special Economic Areas Decree No. 548 "On Establishment of Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park" 21 December 2011
Executive Order No. 1947 "On Establishment of Balakhani Industrial Park in Baku City" 28 December 2011
Government Procurement Law "On Public Procurements" 27 December 2001
Agricultural Policies Amendments to Law "On Viticulture and Wine-Making" of 19 October 2001 28 October 2008
Amendments to Law "On Tobacco and Tobacco Products" of 8 June 2001 30 September 2009
Copyright and Related Rights Amendments to Law "On Copyright and Related Rights" of 5 July 1996 1 April 2008
Trademarks and Geographical Indications Amendments to Law "On Trademarks and Geographical Indications" of 12 June 1998 3 April 2009
Patents Amendments to Law "On Patents" of 25 July 1997 20 October 2009
Intellectual Property Rights Law "On Provision of Intellectual Property Rights and Fight against Piracy" 22 May 2012



Draft laws under discussion

The following trade-related draft laws are currently under discussion in Azerbaijan:


Legislation / Regulation

Competition Policy

Draft Competition Code

Foreign trade Draft Law "On State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activity"
Copyright and Related Rights Draft Law “On protection of rights of Broadcasting Organizations in digital Network” 
Telecommunications Draft Law “On amendments to the Law of Republic of Azerbaijan on Telecommunications” 25 April 2014
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Draft Amendments to Law No.759-IQ “On Food Products” of 18 November 1999. According to the Presidential Decree No.1235 dated 10 February 2017 the Law will be replaced by new draft law “On Food Safety”
Draft Amendments to Law No. 102-IIIQ “On Phytosanitary Control” dated 12 May 2006
Draft Amendments to Resolution No.140 “On Approval of Additional Rules and Regulations for the purpose of Strengthening the Protection of the State Border of the Republic of the Azerbaijan”,dated 9 March 1993