Officials of the Ministries of Economy and Justice benefit from trainings in the WTO
From July 11-13, 2022, three officials participated in a series of training activities in the WTO. These activities covered aspects such as trade policy analysis, customs valuation, rules of origin, and regional trade agreements. Participants also attended the TBT Thematic Session on Transparency and the first day of the TBT Committee meeting. One of the participants indicated that the experience gained during the trip has already been put in practice in the analysis of trade data. In turn, exchanges on rules of origin and customs valuation will inform the preparation of a proposal for amendment of existing legislation in those areas.
Separately, on July 13 and 14, 2022, two roundtables were implemented to present and discuss the work done to correlate Azerbaijan’s goods offers between two versions of the Harmonized System. This correlation had to be prepared in response to a request from one of the Working Party members. Participants to the round table, from the Ministry of Economy, State Tax Service and State Customs Service, discussed aspects related to the support provided by the project expert. After the discussion, the correlation table is ready for submission to the WTO.