The first trade policy and World Trade Organization Summer School starts on 21 June

The first trade policy and World Trade Organization Summer School starts on 21 June

Between 21-25 June 2021, the first Summer School on trade policy and WTO, entitled “International Trade at the Crossroads: Where to Go from Here?” will be held at the ADA University. Twenty students and young professionals from all over the country will attend the event on campus. Online access to the sessions will be provided to all those interested. 


The objective of the Summer School is to raise awareness and stimulate critical analysis and thinking of the role of trade policy in the wider context of public policy-making and implementation as well as on how trade policy impacts the daily lives of businesses and citizens.


As a result of the Summer School, participants will: 

  • Have a comprehensive overview of how trade policy interrelates with key aspects of our lives – including economic development, health and the environment, and of positive impacts of trade integration processes;
  • Learn and discuss about the current events and challenges surrounding international trade and possible ways forward;
  • Familiarise themselves with, and apply, critical-thinking skills in trade policy analysis;
  • Build their capacity to find and use information and documentation on trade-related issues.


The programme, which will be taught in English only, contains sessions on international trade and economic development / environment / health and countries’ trade policies, topical issues, current challenges and ways forward in international trade. Speakers include renown Azerbaijani and international professors in international law and practitioners, as well as former senior officials from governments and international organizations.  


A study visit within the programme, to Baku International Sea Trade Port will demonstrate in practice how trade facilitation measures adopted by the Government of Azerbaijan are implemented.


A senior ADA University representative and the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan, Ambassador Kestutis Jankauskas, will open the event on 21 June 2021.


This event is funded by the European Union and supported by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


For more information on the Summer School, including online access thereto, please contact: 

  • Ms. Nargiz Ismayilova, Director, Centre of Excellence in EU Studies under the ADA University: or +994-12-4373235 ext. 320,
  • Mr. Marius Bordalba, team leader of the EU-funded “Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities” project:  


Materials for the Summer school can be accessed here:

Created 17 Jun 2021
Published 14 Mar 2025
Edited 08 Sep 2021