Online glossary of trade-related terms is already available to the public
Mindful of the importance of deepening the knowledge and understanding of key trade-related terms and of the need to harmonise terminology, the Ministry of Economy, with the support of the EU-funded “Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities” project, has developed a glossary containing more than 300 key trade-related terms and definitions based on internationally recognized sources.
A new menu item has been added to, which opens the online glossary. Once in the glossary page, you will be able to do free keyword searches, for instance “Free Trade Agreement”. In addition, a two-level filter will guide you in searches.
Example: If you are interested in an anti-dumping-related term, you would select “Mallarla ticarət”, in the first filter, and then “Ticarət Müdafiə vasitələri”, in the second filter. You will then be presented with approximately 40 trade remedy-related terms and their respective definitions. |
Free keyword searches may be made in English or Azerbaijani languages. The definitions provided, however, are available in Azerbaijani language only. The source of each definition is also provided in Azerbaijani language only.
Example: If you are interested in the definition of “normal value”, in the free keyword search tool you may enter “normal value” or “normal dəyər”. Whether you search for this term in English or Azerbaijani, the definition will be the same “Normal şərtlərdə, ixrac edən ölkənin daxili bazarında oxşar məhsulun satış qiyməti, müəyyən şərtlərin meydana gəldiyi sübut edildikdə, normal dəyər müvafiq üçüncü ölkəyə ixrac qiymətidir, bu qiymətin təmsil olunması şərti ilə və ya mənşə ölkəsindəki istehsal dəyəri və inzibati, satış və ümumi xərclər və mənfəət kimi təmin edilmişdir (“yaradılmış normal dəyər” olaraq da bilinir).” |
This tool will be useful to all users of trade-related terminology, whether serving in State institutions – such as Members of the Milli Majlis and government officials engaged in the development or implementation of legislation – or non-state organizations – such as academic institutions, business support organizations, enterprises and students.
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