Capacity building events on trade remedies are increased

Capacity building events on trade remedies are increased

Two capacity building events have been implemented, on October 13 and 15, 2021.


The first activity was focused on dumping determinations. The 6-hour activity, for officials of the Ministry of Economy, State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control and Small and Medium Business Development Agency, was an interactive training in which the process of determination of the existence of dumping and of calculation of the margin of dumping was discussed in detail. This event will be supplemented with an exercise-based session in which participants will have to calculate the margin of dumping. Dumping calculation software will also be presented.


The second event was a workshop on trade remedies for the private sector. In addition to private sector representatives, officials of the above-mentioned Governmental bodies participated in the event. The activity was held in the ADA University. To maximize the public outreach, several participants joined the event online. The materials for this event can be accessed clicking on the link:

Created 27 Oct 2021
Published 15 Mar 2025
Edited 27 Oct 2021