operating procedures applicable to the Authorised Economic Operator programme is completed
From May 11 and 13, 2022, a senior customs expert of the EU-funded “Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities” project assisted the State Customs Committee to review the existing normative framework applying to the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme in Azerbaijan and proposed changes to it. As a result of the information exchanged and fruitful discussions held during the round table, participants elaborated a complete set of draft provisions to regulate the AEO programme which will be subject to further internal consideration.
In addition, the round table served to continue deepening the discussion of multiple aspects of AEO programmes developed and implemented by the European Union, Malaysia etc. Particular attention was paid to benefits of such programmes to different types of business operators and to the differences between “Green Corridors” and AEO programmes. Discussions also focused on actions that may be taken to foster business operators’ interest to shift from the Green Corridor to the AEO programme.
The round table, which took place in the World Customs Organisation Regional Office for Capacity Building in Baku, was attended by 10+ customs officials.
It is recalled that in July 2021 a senior customs expert had presented a 3-day introductory online training on the AEO programme and that another customs expert has assisted the State Customs Committee on the review of the normative framework and administrative practices relating to advance customs (tariff classification, origin and valuation) rulings.