The results of the competition of scientific article are announced and the winners awarded.

The competition of scientific articles devoted to the 96th anniversary of national leader, Heydar Aliyev on the subject of “World Trade System and Azerbaijan: current situation and development perspectives”, for the vocational, bachelor and master students arranged by the Ministry of Economy has been ended.
Many students from the local and foreign educational institutions participated at the competetion. The articles submitted to the competition were reviewed by special Committee within the Ministry of Economy and assessed according to the predefined criteria.
Hence, according to the final assessment of the Committee, the article by Mirbaghir Baghirzade from Azerbaijan State University of Economics was awarded to the 1st place, the article by Lamiya Chobanzade from Baku Engineering University was awarded to the 2nd place and the article by Ziya Hasanli from the University of Bologna to the 3rd place.
The participants of the competition were invited to the ceremony devoted to the 96th anniversary of national leader, Heydar Aliyev at the Ministry of Economy and given prizes and diplomas.
Winner and some distinctive articles will be published within our website, in the near future.