Workshops on intellectual property and customs advance rulings implemented
On June 23, 2021, the workshop “Protecting business and citizens through Intellectual Property Eights enforcement: the experience in the European Union” was presented with the participation of approximately 40 participants from the Intellectual Property Agency, the State Customs Committee, the Customs Academy and the Ministry of Economy.
Professor Laurent Manderieux, a Senior Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) consultant, covered two related topics:
- The EU/Member States Experience on Market Monitoring/Surveillance and Fight Against Trademark Violations
- The EU/Member States Experience on Border Enforcement of IPRs
Participants clarified multiple aspects of IPR enforcement, in particular new challenges for IPR holders connected with digitalization and the rise of IPR violations through the Internet. In addition to the information provided to participants, the event contributed to develop communication channels among responsible agencies for better enforcing IPRs in the country.
During this workshop, the brochure entitled “Border protection of IP rights in Azerbaijan”, developed with the support of the EU-funded “Support and Strengthening Capacity of the WTO Department of the Ministry of Economy in the WTO Accession Negotiations” project, was presented to the participants. A copy of this brochure can be accessed by clicking at the following link:
The agenda, PowerPoint and pictures of this event can be accessed at the following link:
On June 25, 2021, the workshop on “Customs Advance Rulings” was presented. 20 participants from the State Customs Committee and the Customs Academy participated. Mr. Brian O’Shea was the Senior Customs and Trade Facilitation consultant in charge of the presentation. He indicated the benefits of advance rulings for the Customs Administration as well as for economic operators. He also explained and replied multiple questions on the implementation of the advance ruling system in the European Union.
The agenda, PowerPoint and screenshots of this event can be accessed at the following link:
The preparation and delivery of these two activities has been supported by the EU-funded “Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities” project.
Upcoming activities related to Customs’ matters
In cooperation with the State Customs Service and the Customs Academy, the project is organising a workshop on Authorised Economic Operators. This activity is tentatively scheduled for July 2021. Should you have an interest to participate in this activity, kindly contact Ms. Alida Mahmudova (, key expert at the EU-funded “Strengthening capacity of the Government of Azerbaijan in the WTO Accession negotiations and other trade related activities” project.